Regional Youth Dance / Around the World

Carson City Stake Center 411 N Saliman Road, Carson City, NV, United States

All youth turning 14+ are invited to a Regional Dance! Casual Dress. Dance cards are NOT required! Bring your friends... invite all! *NOTE: The "dance card app" says that this dance is on May 20th... that is incorrect, the date has not been changed in the app.

Hot August Nights Youth Dance

Lemmon Valley Church Building 8080 Lemmon Dr., Reno

All youth turning 14+ are invited to our Hot August Nights Regional Youth Dance! This dance will be held outside in the parking lot. Casual Dress. Carpool if possible.

Harvest Hype Regional Dance

Golconda Church Building 1095 Golconda Dr., Reno, NV, United States

All youth turning 14+ are invited to a Regional Dance. Casual Attire. Flannel Encouraged! Hope to see you there!


New Year’s Eve Neon Party Regional Dance

Rock Church Building 2955 Rock Blvd., Sparks, NV, United States

All youth turning 14+ are invited to a Regional Dance! Bright neon colors are encouraged! Food, fun & friends!

Regional Youth Dinner & Dance

Neil Church Building 4751 Neil Rd., Reno, NV, United States

Don't miss the Checker Board Regional Youth Dinner and Dance. Dinner will be followed by dancing. Casual black and white dress encouraged. For all youth turning 14+

Regional Youth Activity / Outdoor Glow Show!

Kings Row Stake Center 2505 Kings Row, Reno, NV, United States

You don't want to miss this Regional Activity for all youth 12+ in 2024! This will be held outside around campfires and will include a "glow show" similar to what is held at the Reno Balloon Races. Please dress appropriately for the outdoor weather and bring a camp chair. Note: The location was originally Lemmon […]

Regional Youth Dance / Spring Formal

Rock Church Building 2955 Rock Blvd., Sparks, NV, United States

Lights, Camera, Action! All youth who are 16+ by the day of the dance are invited to attend the spring formal. Formal Dress. Registration is recommended but not mandatory to attend. Registration requested, but not mandatory: REGISTER HERE Note: This dance was originally on the 20th, but was recently moved to the 13th.

Regional Youth Dance

Carson City Stake Center 411 N Saliman Road, Carson City, NV, United States

All youth turning 14-18 in 2024 are invited to a Star Wars themed regional dance! Costumes are encouraged... Awards will be given. Don't miss it!

Back to School | Regional Youth Dance

935 Mercedes Dr. Spanish Springs, NV 98441 935 Mercedes Dr., Spanish Springs, United States

All youth ages 14 and up are invited to join us for a Back to School Night Regional Youth Dance! The dance will be held at 935 Mercedes Dr. in the back parking lot. Represent your school by wearing your school colors! Note: Only park in the front parking lot. We will be doing a […]

Regional Youth Dance / Plaid-a-Palooza

Golconda Church Building 1095 Golconda Dr., Reno, NV, United States

All youth turning 14+ are invited to a Plaid-a-Palooza Regional Fall Dance! Wear your best plaid and come ready to enjoy a pancake bar and hot chocolate. Bring your friends and come have a good time!